The Liberty Seated Dollar was struck in a composition of 90% silver and 10% copper, with a weight of 26.73 grams and diameter of 38.1 mm. All pieces have a reeded edge. During the course of the series, coins were struck at the Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Carson City Mints. As usual, Philadelphia coins did not carry a mintmark, while coins struck at other facilities have the mint mark on the reverse of the coin below the eagle. Mint marks appear in in various sizes, but the difference is seldom noted. The location is usually a good identification of particular varieties, although the silver dollars are seldom collected by die variety.

Production quality varies greatly with every issue. Generally, the New Orleans and Carson City issues are less well struck than those of the Philadelphia and San Francisco Mint, although exceptions exist. The obverse stars, eagle’s wings and centers of both sides are particular prone to weakness. Another good indication for the strike is the foot of Liberty, which is seldom complete on coins of this type.